BreadBot Consumer Behavior Analysis
Optimization Strategies for Successful Product Launches
A project for the Wilkinson Baking Company to analyze their opportunities for improvement on user interactions with their bread baking machine, otherwise known as the BreadBot.
The Wilkinson Baking Co. approached our team with a request to gauge the success of customer interactions with their BreadBot machine, as they approach a launch of their machines in stores across the globe.
Deliverables included a presentation to Wilkinson executives, and a large format (36″x48″) poster. Personal role in project was conducting in-depth studies of the consumer base, on-site consumer observation, synthesis of data and project findings, and design of both the final presentation and large format poster.

Thank you to my teammates on this project, Elizabeth Cole and Nicholas Stephan. We had a lot of fun on this project, and without you, it wouldn’t have been possible.